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Condolences on the passing of Dr. Ei-ichi Negishi

We would like to express my sincere condolences on the passing of Prof. Ei-ichi Negishi.

Prof. Negishi graduated from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo in 1958 (the predecessor of the present three departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry). After working as a corporate researcher, he moved to the United States, where he made brilliant achievements in the fields of synthetic organic chemistry and organometallic chemistry. Even after winning the Nobel Prize in 2010, he continued to contribute to the education of our departments by serving as a doctoral dissertation examiner for the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology in 2011 and as a lecturer at the same department in 2012. His messages have been an encouragement to many students.

The members of the three chemical and biochemistry departments will carry on the spirit of pursuing science that we learned from Prof. Negishi.

We pray for the repose of Prof. Negishi's soul.

Chair of Department of Applied Chemistry Kazuya Yamaguchi
Chair of Department of Chemical System Engineering Kazuhiro Takanabe
Chair of Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology Shinsuke Sando