カリキュラム・開講科目 CURRICULUM

Graduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions

2024 Entrance Examination (Schedule B: doctoral program only)

The deadline for submission of official TOEFL score report is Friday, January 12, 2024. Be sure to request ETS to transmit your score to our graduate school as shown below.
DI code: 8596 (University of TokyoEngineering)
Department code: 99 (Any Department Not Listed)

Guide to Entrance Examination, Department of Chemical System Engineering
Questionnaire Sheet

Laboratory Assignments for Successful Applicants (Schedule A)

The 2024 Master's Program, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Laboratory Assignments for Successful Applicants
The password was sent via e-mail on September 7.

Notification on the admission examination for FY2024 Program (Regular Admission) (Schedule A)

Examination Guidelines were sent via e-mail on August 25. If you have not received the email, please contact us as soon as possible at the following email address. If you use Gmail as your contact email address, it may be classified as "Promotions". In addition, the information on the exam venues is uploaded here. Please check it.

Hirokazu Sugiyama, Managing Director, Department of Chemical System Engineering
e-mail:admission@chemsys.t.u-tokyo (please add ".ac.jp" to complete the address)
Updated on August 25th, 2023 

The results of the document examination and information about written and oral examinations for those who passed were sent via e-mail on August 4. If you have not received the email, please contact us as soon as possible at the following email address. If you use Gmail as your contact email address, it may be classified as "Promotions".

Hirokazu Sugiyama, Managing Director, Department of Chemical System Engineering
e-mail:admission@chemsys.t.u-tokyo (please add ".ac.jp" to complete the address)
Updated on August 7th, 2023 

Guide to Entrance Examination, Department of Chemical System Engineering
(6/1 update, Notice on the change)
Questionnaire Sheet
Reasons for Application and Carrier Plan Sheet
Venues(8/25 update)

Briefing sessions for the Entrance Exam by Department of Chemical System Engineering

3rd Session Date&Time: from 13:00 on May 27 (Sat), 2023. Finished
Application form: https://forms.gle/9fjdbLF4SMKjaLWcA


Hongo campus (Tentative)
Online using Zoom

* There will not be an on-site session in Komaba II campus.


Simultaneous on-site and online
13:00 - General explanations
14:00 - Lab. tour
15:00 - Discussion with future supervisors

Notice: The briefing will be given in Japanese.

2nd Session Date&Time: from 13:00 on April 22 (Sat), 2023.  Finished

1st Session Date&Time: from 13:00 on March 29 (Wed), 2023. Finished


    Written examinations (Major Subjects) for the master’s program

    The written examinations (Major Subjects) for the master's program in the 2024 entrance examination will be as follows:

    • Physical Chemistry (2 problems)
    • Inorganic Chemistry (1 problem)
    • Chemical Engineering (2 problems)

    Select a total of 3 problems from the 5 problems above.

    Scoring: Major Subjects: 450 points possible
    Foreign Language: 120 points possible

    For foreign language (English), TOEFL score is required.
    For details, please refer to the website of the Graduate School of Engineering.

    Past exam problems

    You can download pdf files of exam problems of special subject and general subject (chemistry)from the links below.

    Special subjects (pdf)
    The number and the field of questions on test and the number of questions you are asked to solve may change year by year.

    Information about previous exam (FY2023) is here.

    Standing Committee
    email: admission@chemsys.t.u-tokyo (please add ".ac.jp" to complete the address)