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第414回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー The application of innovative materials and intelligent models in drug issue governance

講演題目 The application of innovative materials and intelligent models in drug issue governance
講演者 Prof. Rui HUANG (黄 鋭 教授)
Vice President, School of Criminal Investigation; Deputy Director,
Forensic Identification Center, Southwest University of Political
Science and Law (SWUPL)
(西南政法大学 刑事偵査学院・副院長,司法鑑定センター・副センター長)

Prof. Huang Rui was born in 1982 in Chongqing. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from Southwest University, a Master of Science degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Chongqing University, and a Doctor of Engineering degree in Biomedical Engineering from Chongqing University. She has worked at Southwest University of Politics and Law since 2007. She has been awarded the “KETAI Teaching and Educating Prize” by the Southwest University of Politics and Law, “Advanced Individual in Scientific Research of Southwest University of Political Science and Law”, “XIZHENG Good Teacher Prize”, and “Talent Plan of Chongqing Municipality” in 2019. She was appointed as the Vice President of the School of Criminal Investigation and Deputy Director of Forensic Identification Center in November 2022.
概要 I will first introduce School of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Identification Center, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and then introduce our latest research about the detection of illicit drugs. They are “Image plus Spectrum” dual modality recognition model, “Zero-processing” fuzzy recognition model, “Dual-Stream Neural Network” analysis and evaluation models, and “Quantum Chemistry” wastewater monitoring model. Also, I would like to introduce drug problem governance based on law combined with these advanced detection technologies based on biology, chemistry, medicine etc.
世話人 酒井

第412回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Development of metal oxide photocatalytic materials for solar water splitting

5号館53号講義室 (BLdg. 5, Rm. 53)
講演題目 Development of metal oxide photocatalytic materials for solar water splitting
講演者 Prof. Yasuhiro Tachibana
School of Engineering, RMIT University, Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia
Forefront Research Center, Faculty of Science, Osaka University
概要 Solar water splitting is one of the most attractive energy carrier generation processes to utilize solar energy.
Light generated hydrogen is a clean energy carrier, since their consumption for energy generation produces
only water. Moreover, generated hydrogen can be stored and used whenever required. Hydrogen is mostly used
as a feedstock in the chemical and petrochemical industries, e.g. production of ammonia, methanol and
fertilisers.[1] The photocatalytic solar water splitting process has been studied extensively over the last half
century. However, despite the efforts, no ideal photocatalyst has yet been identified to meet three main
requirements for commercialisation: (1) low cost, (2) high solar to hydrogen (STH) efficiency and (3) durability.
Over the last two decades, considerable efforts have focused on developing visible light active photocatalysts,
and some promising photocatalysts with relatively high water splitting efficiency were discovered.[2] In
contrast to search of appropriate photocatalyst (nano)materials, mechanisms of photocatalytic water splitting
reactions, in particular charge carrier dynamics of photocatalysts, were little studied. Understanding charge
carrier dynamics in photocatalysts will certainly provide an opportunity to design high efficiency
photocatalysts. In this presentation, I will show our recent development of metal oxide photocatalysts, and
their charge carrier dynamics by employing a series of transient absorption spectroscopies covering from 150
fs to 100 s over UV-VIS-NIR wavelength ranges.[3] Correlation of the charge carrier dynamics with
photocatalysis reactions will be discussed.
[1] N. Armaroli and V. Balzani, ChemSusChem 4 (2011) 21-36.
[2] H. Mai, D. Chen, Y. Tachibana, H. Suzuki, R. Abe, Rachel A. Caruso, Chem. Soc. Rev., 50(24) 13692-
13729 (2021).
[3] H. Liu, M. Liu, R. Nakamura, Y. Tachibana, Appl. Catal. B-Environ., 296 (2021) 120226.
世話人 高鍋和広(内線21195)

第413回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Plastics waste upcycling by means of spatiotemporal control using microwave-initiated catalysis

5号館53号講義室 (BLdg. 5, Rm. 53)
講演題目 Plastics waste upcycling by means of spatiotemporal control using microwave-initiated catalysis
講演者 Dr Michael Jie
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London

Short bio: Dr Michael Jie is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London. Before joining QMUL, he took up a Junior Research Fellow at Merton College, Oxford, focusing on the development of microwave-initiated heterogeneous catalysis. His work has resulted in low carbon emission catalytic processes impacting the decarbonisation of fossil fuels. More recently, He expanded his research to include waste plastics upcycling using microwave catalysis. So far, he has published in international journals such as Angewandte Chemie, Energy and Environmental Science, and Nature Catalysis. His research efforts have also led to the global patenting of several innovative technologies through the PCT, gaining recognition from the wider chemical and science community, including C&E News, Chemistry World, and The Times. His work has also been acknowledged in prestigious forums such as the Royal Society of Chemistry's "10 Emerging Technologies of the Year” for 2019 and 2021, and he received a "Highly Commended" distinction in the Vice-Chancellor's Innovation Award 2020.
概要 The interaction of microwave (MW) irradiation with catalyst materials and molecules is the key to discovering new energy-efficient processes through MW-initiated/enhanced catalysis. Past work on MW processing has largely focused on dielectric heating for insulators or polar molecules. However, recent experimental observations indicate that MW can enable chemical reactions beyond thermal activations. Although it has been argued that such phenomena can be interpreted in terms of so-called "localised" heating, the recognised non-equilibrium thermodynamic feature suggests more intriguing physicochemical mechanisms are yet to be explored. As such, our research group intend to address a set of fundamental questions around the interdependent behaviour of microwave functional materials, interfaces, and functional structures as they interact with stable molecules to activate chemical bonds. The successful demonstration of interdependent behaviour between MW and catalyst materials will bolster our capability to regulate the formation of highly reactive intermediates through precise spatiotemporal control using MW and guide their subsequent reactions toward desired pathways, ultimately enabling more energy-efficient and atom-efficient chemical transformations. We use polymers depolymerisation as a model reaction to study the possible spatiotemporal controls in a single reaction vessel by designing MW active tandem catalysts. The research aim to develop a one-step process to turn a wide range of polymers into their constituent monomers and value-added chemicals, thereby realising a fully circular plastic economy.
世話人 岸本史直(内線26157)

第411回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー An Integrated Science and Engineering Approach for Next-Generation Battery Materials and Technologies

5号館53号講義室 (BLdg. 5, Rm. 53)
講演題目 An Integrated Science and Engineering Approach for Next-Generation Battery Materials and Technologies
講演者 Dr. Jie Xiao
Battelle Fellow
PNNL-University of Washington distinguished faculty fellow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA99352 USA
概要 Electrochemical energy storage especially lithium-based battery technology enables electrification of the transportation sector and significantly improved stationary grid storage, hence is critical to developing clean-energy economy in the US. Today’s batteries are, however, mostly manufactured outside the US. Developing IP-retaining next-generation battery materials and technologies provides a unique opportunity to establish a strong domestic manufacturing footing. Identifying and addressing material challenges at industry-relevant scales and validation of new battery chemistries under realistic conditions critically determine the timeliness and success of materials development, manufacturing, and technology translation from academic research to industry applications. There remains to be a large gap between academic research, materials scale-up/manufacturing, and device level performance optimization. This talk will review the challenges, opportunities, and approaches for accelerating R&D and manufacturing processes of next generation materials and battery technologies. I will highlight the importance of interdisciplinary research in electrochemical energy storage and emphasize the necessity to identify and address scientific challenges at relevant scales/conditions. Two specific examples will be discussed: (1) an integrated electrochemistry and engineering approach to utilize lithium metal anode and enable high-energy rechargeable lithium metal battery, (2) the study of single crystal Ni-rich cathode for Li-ion and Li metal batteries. Scaling up single crystal cathode will be used as an example to shed some light on the importance of integrated science and engineering methodology for battery materials development and manufacturing.
世話人 山田淳夫(内線27295)

第410回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Simulating multicellular evolution and growth by agent-based stochastic 3D computer models

5号館53号講義室 (Bldg. 5, Rm. 53)
講演題目 Simulating multicellular evolution and growth by agent-based stochastic 3D computer models
講演者 Prof. Fabrizio CLERI
IEMN, CNRS-University of Lille
(Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology)
(Laboratories for International Research on Multi-disciplinary Micro
概要 Abstract:
I will present the mathematical foundations and some different variants of ”agent-based” models (ABM) that we developed in our research group in recent years. The ABM aims at assembling the most relevant biological features of a network of biological cells in a realistic computational platform. The main focus is the virtual modeling of the long-term evolution of cell proliferation under conditions of damage (and repair) to the DNA, as it could occur either because of intrinsic metabolic processes, (e.g. cell duplication stages, or stem-cell reprogramming), or following various types of external toxic chemicals or radiation. However, the computational platform is easily extended to different biological tissues or lab-on-chip artificial models.

Prof. Fabrizio CLERI is currently the Director of the Physics Division, at the CNRS Institute of Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN) in Lille, and Distinguished Professor at the Department of Physics, University of Lille. He obtained the title of Doctor in Physics cum laude from the University of Perugia (Italy) in 1984, and the Habilitation in Physics (HDR) from the University “Louis Pasteur” of Strasbourg in 2005. After his research at ENEA, Rome (Italy) and University of Chicago (USA), he moved to Lille and became a professor in the Physics department, where he created the Master School in Biophysics and Medical Physics (2010) for which I am still the acting Director. He was an Editor of “Applied Physics Letters” for 8 years (two terms) until March 2016; since 2012 he is on the editorial board of the European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics, and in 2018 he also joined the team of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. He was a visiting professor at the Institute of Industrial Sciences of the Tokyo University, for several terms between 2007 and now.
世話人 酒井康行(内線27751)

第409回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー 臓器培養への挑戦 ~工学と医学の立場から~

講演題目 臓器培養への挑戦 ~工学と医学の立場から~
講演者 堺 裕輔
(九州大学大学院工学研究院化学工学部門 准教授)
概要 Tissue Engineering(再生医療)が提唱されて30年が経ち、多くの技術が臨床応用されてきた。一方、複雑多岐な構造や機能を持つ立体臓器の培養は発展途上である。本セミナーでは工学と医学の立場から、肝臓をメイントピックとして、細胞周囲微小環境設計による臓器培養と再生医療について説明する。足場やサイトカインといった細胞を制御する要素の供給アプローチや代謝産物を除去する戦略等に焦点を当てると共に、今後の挑戦についても紹介する。
世話人 勝田 毅(酒井西川研究室)

第408回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー 高性能ペロブスカイト太陽電池を先導する物性科学と材料工学

講演題目 高性能ペロブスカイト太陽電池を先導する物性科学と材料工学
講演者 木下卓己
(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻広域システム科学系 講師)
概要 再生可能エネルギー技術の開発が進む中で、ペロブスカイト太陽電池が注目を集めている。その性能を向上させるためには、材料物性、材料工学、そしてデバイス設計の総合的な発展が求められる。本発表では、ペロブスカイト材料の光電変換性能に影響を及ぼす物性の分析と材料工学による開発、効率的な太陽電池の製造について説明する。さらに、太陽光発電の理論効率限界を超えるための次世代戦略にも焦点を当てる。
世話人 中山哲(内線27270)

第407回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー 相転移を利用した機能化学品設計

講演題目 相転移を利用した機能化学品設計
講演者 長谷川龍一氏
Science and Innovation Center
概要 顧客課題にソリューションを提供する製品の例として、相転移を利用した機能化学品を紹介します。日本企業の研究開発生産性に対する課題が幾つか挙げられますが、商品創造の為には鳥瞰図的な基礎科学知識が重要となることをお話します。化学系企業の研究開発を志望する学生の皆さんの参考になれば幸いです。
世話人 中山哲(内線27270)

第406回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Liquid Sunlight®, Made from CO2

講演題目 Liquid Sunlight®, Made from CO2
講演者 Prof. Peidong Yang
Department of Chemistry
Department of Materials Science Engineering
University of California, Berkeley 94720
概要 Liquid sunlight can be considered as a new form of chemical energy converted and stored in chemical bonds from solar energy. Efficient capture and storage of solar energy can provide unlimited renewable power sources and drive the capture and conversion of greenhouse gases such as CO2 into valuable chemicals. Solar-to-chemical production using a fully integrated system is an attractive goal, but to-date there has yet to be a system that can demonstrate the required efficiency, durability, or be manufactured at a reasonable cost. One can learn a great deal from the natural photosynthesis where the conversion of carbon dioxide and water to carbohydrates is routinely carried out at a highly coordinated system level. There are several key features worth mentioning in these systems: spatial and directional arrangement of the light-harvesting components, charge separation and transport, as well as the desired chemical conversion at catalytic sites in compartmentalized spaces. In order to design an efficient artificial photosynthetic materials system, at the level of the individual components: better catalysts need to be developed, new light-absorbing semiconductor materials will need to be discovered, architectures will need to be designed for effective capture and conversion of sunlight, and more importantly, processes need to be developed for the efficient coupling and integration of the components into a complete artificial photosynthetic system. In this talk I will introduce the original nanowire-based photochemical diode system design, and discuss the challenges associated with fixing CO2 through traditional chemical catalytic means, contrasted with the advantages and strategies that biology employs through enzymatic catalysts to produce more complex molecules at higher selectivity and efficiency. Introducing microorganisms as whole-cell catalysts into the overall photochemical diode system led to the generation of powerful photosynthetic biohybrids capable of converting sunlight, H2O and CO2 into food, fuels, pharmaceuticals, and materials.
世話人 高鍋和広(内線21195)

第405回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Electrochemistry Meets Metal–Organic Frameworks – Toward Energy Conversion and Storage

工学部3号館4F 32号室
講演題目 Electrochemistry Meets Metal–Organic Frameworks – Toward Energy Conversion and Storage
講演者 Chung-Wei Kung, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
* Short Bio: https://www.chemsys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Short-Bio-CWKung.pdf
概要 The development of clean energy has gained more and more attention in recent years, and electrochemical technologies play an important role in a range of clear-energy applications. The design and synthesis of highly active electrode materials, namely, the active thin film modified on the electrode surface that can facilitate the desired electrochemical reaction, are thus crucial for the development of high-performance electrochemical devices toward energy and environmental applications. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), also known as porous coordination polymers (PCPs), are thus highly attractive for electrochemical systems owing to their ultrahigh specific surface area, tunable pore structure in the molecular scale, and tunable chemical functionality within the nanopores. However, the electrically insulating nature and relatively poor chemical stability of most MOFs strongly limit the use of pristine MOFs in electrochemical applications [1]. Since 2018, our research group in National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has worked on the design and synthesis of chemically robust MOFs and their composite materials with electronically and/or ionically conducting properties, aiming for utilizing such highly porous and stable MOF-based materials in electrocatalysis, electroanalysis, and electrochemical energy storage. This talk will cover our cutting-edge findings in the fundamentals and applications of highly water-stable group(IV) metal-based MOFs, including the Zr(IV)-based MOFs and Ce(IV)-based MOFs, toward the use in electrochemical systems. The topics would include the use of postsynthetic modifications to render redox-reaction-based charge hopping for electrocatalytic reactions [2-3], the design of electrically conductive and highly porous MOF-carbon nanocomposites [3-4], and the unique roles of electrochemically “inactive” MOFs in electrochemical systems [5-6].
* Reference shown in the pdf file: https://www.chemsys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Talk-title-and-abstract-CWKung.pdf
世話人 Vincent Tung(内線28752)