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第425回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Tailoring lattice oxygen activities of oxygen carriers for chemical looping applications

講演題目 Tailoring lattice oxygen activities of oxygen carriers for chemical looping applications
講演者 A/Prof Wen (Paul) Liu
School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CCEB)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
概要 Chemical looping technology has emerged as a promising approach for clean energy production and CO2 capture, leveraging the cyclic redox properties of oxygen carriers (OCs) to facilitate fuel oxidation and regeneration. The performance of OCs critically depends on their lattice oxygen activity, which governs their ability to transfer oxygen between fuel and air. However, achieving optimal lattice oxygen activity remains a challenge due to the trade-offs between reactivity, stability, and oxygen transport properties. In this talk, we present a variety of strategies to control and enhance the lattice oxygen activity of OCs by tuning their structural and compositional properties, e.g. forming solid solutions,1 ternary mixed oxides,2 nanostructured materials and high-entropy oxides,3 thereby optimizing oxygen transport kinetics, and redox behavior.4 In situ and ex situ characterization techniques, including thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), could be employed to elucidate the relationship between lattice structure, oxygen vacancy concentration, and oxygen mobility. These characterization techniques demonstrates inseparable correlations between chemical composition, lattice deformation, structural defects and the lattice oxygen activity of OCs. Additionally, surface engineering with nanostructured coatings could effectively mitigate sintering and phase degradation during high-temperature cycling, ensuring long-term stability.5 These findings advance the understanding of lattice oxygen activity control and provides a foundation for the development of next-generation oxygen carriers with enhanced performance for chemical looping applications.
1. Fan. Q., Huang., C., Xi, S., Yan, Y., Huang, J., Saqline, S., Tao, L., Dai, Y., Borgna, A., Wang, X., Liu, W.. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2022, 10, 7242-7452.
2. Fan, Q., Li, H., Saqline, S., Donat, F., Tan, M., Tao, L., Müller, C.R., Xu, Z.J., Liu, W. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2024, 26, 20511.
3. Shao, Y., Wu, C., Xi, S., Tan, P., Wu, X., Saqline, S., Liu, W. Appl Catal. B. 2024. 355, 124191.
4. Liu, W., React Chem Eng. 2021, 6, 1527-1537.
5. Fan, Q., Tan, M, Yao, B., Saqline, S., Tao, L., He, Q., Liu, W. Appl Catal. B. 2024. 350, 123935.
世話人 高鍋 和広(内線21195)

第424回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Microporous inorganic material-based membrane/adsorption/catalyst

講演題目 Microporous inorganic material-based membrane/adsorption/catalyst
講演者 Professor Jungkyu Choi
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, Korea
概要 He would like to start this presentation by briefly introducing the zeolite-based adsorption/catalyst widely used in applications, for which the chemical engineering principles are mainly adopted. Specifically, he would like to present a zeolite-based internal combustion engine hydrocarbon trap and the production of some useful chemical from methane. In addition, he would like to talk about a method of upgrading carbon dioxide using zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) emerging as a new type of microporous material. After that, he will focus on manufacturing zeolite as a molecular sieving membrane. In particular, he would like to introduce the academic and industrial efforts for zeolite membrane-based applications. Finally, a recent attempt for the realization of membrane reactors will be addressed.
世話人 大久保達也 (27348)

第423回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Rate Theories and Computational Methods for Quantum Transitions and Dynamics of Molecular Excitons

講演題目 Rate Theories and Computational Methods for Quantum Transitions and Dynamics of Molecular Excitons
講演者 Professor Seogjoo (Suggy) J. Jang
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Queens College, City
University of New York
概要 Great advances have been made during the past two decades in characterization of molecular excitons and their quantum transitions in complex molecular environments. To this end, depending on the nature of systems and environments, the dynamics of excitons can be characterized by rates or more complete quantum dynamical description. For the calculation of rates of exciton transfer and decay, Fermi’s golden rule (FGR) has been widely and successfully used for various molecular systems. However, in its applications to complex molecular systems, there are some ambiguities and issues requiring further refinement and development of FGR. I will provide a short summary of our FGR-based theories of resonance energy transfer and nonradiative energy gap law behavior that can account for new quantum effects that were missing in previously established theories. Applications of some of these to light harvesting complexes and organic molecular aggregates are demonstrated as well. For transitions that go beyond simple rate description, (quantum) master equation has been successful in many cases. I will provide a general overview of these quantum approaches we have been pursuing such as polaron transformed quantum master equation. For driven quantum dynamical processes involving excitons such as in quantum control and quantum sensing, accurate dynamics calculation of quantum systems driven by time dependent Hamiltonian is essential. However, efficient implementations of such calculations are in general challenging and may incur artifacts if not done correctly. Magnus expansion provides a formally superior starting point in this respect since any finite truncation approximation remains unitary. I will present simple and straightforward general quantum propagators based on the Magnus expansion we have recently developed, and their applications for quantum dynamics calculations of driven exciton systems.
世話人 中山哲(内線27270)

第422回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー 生物学的視点からの医療材料開発へのアプローチ

講演題目 生物学的視点からの医療材料開発へのアプローチ
講演者 稲垣 奈都子
(東京大学大学院工学系研究科化学システム工学専攻伊藤研究室 助教)
概要 肝疾患における死亡原因第一位の肝がんの罹患者数・死亡者数は増加傾向であり、世界人口の増加に伴い、今後20 年間で新規肝がん患者は55%増加すると予測されている。我が国においても、メタボリックシンドロームを背景素因とするMASH(Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis)の増加により、原発性肝がん患者数が再度増加に転じる可能性が指摘されている。また近年、生活様式の欧米化に伴い、大腸がんからの転移性肝がんの患者数も増加傾向である。高い頻度で再発をきたす原発性肝がんの治療には、再発をきたすたびに外科的切除を繰り返し行う、いわゆる「繰り返し肝切除」が生存期間の延長や根治を期待しうる治療法として広く施行されている。また転移性肝がんの治療法としても「繰り返し肝切除」の有効性が認められている。しかしながら、繰り返し肝切除には、解決しなければならない「術後癒着」と「残存肝の肝再生能の低下」の二つの問題がある。これらの解決策として、中皮細胞による次世代マルチファンクショナル術後癒着防止材を開発し、その臨床応用実現化を試みてきたので紹介する。併せて、本講演では、生体膜リン脂質を操作することによる肝疾患メカニズムの解明や、高分子材料を用いた医療材料の開発についても紹介する。
世話人 中山哲(内線27270)

第421回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Emerging applications of tumor-on-chip technology in fundamental and translational research

講演題目 Emerging applications of tumor-on-chip technology in fundamental and translational research
講演者 Dr Maria Carla PARRINI, Institut Curie, Paris, France
Maria Carla Parrini, PhD, is a biologist expert in cancer cell biology. She worked as post-doctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA (1997-2002) and at Osaka University, Japan (2002-2003). Since 2003 she joined the Institut Curie in Paris, where she was pioneer in the field of tumor-on-chip (ToC) technology. She exploits an original combination of bioengineering, cancer biology, image analysis, and artificial intelligence methods to study how tumor ecosystems function and respond to drugs, including immunotherapies. She co-authored >50 publications. She is currently coordinating a European project (Arturo, 2024-2028) on tumor-resident microbiota.
概要 Development of new effective treatments against cancer requires adequate models that recapitulate human physiopathology, particularly with regard to the immune system. Tumor-on-chip (ToC) technology is emerging as a very promising solution to this vital problem. We use microfluidic ToC devices to reconstitute ex vivo 3D ecosystems of human tumors. We exploit advanced computational methods and transcriptomic analysis to study drug responses and decipher resistance mechanisms, at the tumor microenvironment level. We integrate patient-derived autologous cells to prepare the ground for precision medicine applications. Personalized responses to immunotherapy (anti-PD-1) were evaluated using ToCs generated from patients with lung cancer, opening avenues for applications in immune-oncology. We are currently also integrating tumor-resident bacteria into ToCs, to assess the open and intriguing question of the role of intratumor microbiota in the response to cancer therapies.
世話人 酒井康行(内線27751)

第420回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー (Seminar 1)Printing Cells for in vitro Tumor Modeling / (Seminar 2)Advanced biomanufacturing technology for constructing artificial organs

講演題目 (Seminar 1)Printing Cells for in vitro Tumor Modeling / (Seminar 2)Advanced biomanufacturing technology for constructing artificial organs
講演者 Seminar 1:
Prof. Wei Sun, Ph.D.
National Distinguished Professor, Tsinghua University, China
Albert Soffa Chair Professor, Drexel University; Philadelphia, USA
Dr. Wei Sun is appointed as National Distinguished Professor and Director of Biomanufacturing Research Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and Albert Soffa Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University, USA. Dr. Sun’s research has been on Biofabrication, 3D Bio-Printing, Computer-Aided Tissue Engineering, and Additive Manufacturing. His research has been sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST), Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Johnson & Johnson (J&J), the Chinese Natural Science Foundation, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Chinese Ministry of Education. Dr. Sun has published over 250+ SCI journal papers with 21000+ citations, 70+ granted patents, and conducted 450+ invited national and international presentations in the field of his research. Dr. Sun is the Founding President for International Society of Biofabrication (2010-2014), and the Founding Editor-in-Chief for international journal Biofabrication (2009-present). Dr. Sun received Distinguished Visiting Fellow Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering in UK (2018), the inaugural Senior Investigator Award from International Society of Biofabrication (2017), the MII/Fralin Visiting Scholar Award from Virginia Tech (2015), Outstanding Research Award from College of Engineering, Drexel University (2009), William Mong Fellow Award from the University of Hong Kong (2008) and Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award from the International Society for Automotive Engineers (2003).

Seminar 2:
Prof. Huayu Yang
Department of Liver Surgery at Peking Union Medical College Hospital
(PUMCH), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
Dr. Huayu Yang is a professor in the Department of Liver Surgery at Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. She graduated from the Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC) in 2002 and obtained her PhD degree in pharmacology from PUHSC in 2007. In 2011, she completed postdoctoral training in PUMCH. After that, she worked as an assistant professor and associate professor in the Department of Liver Surgery, PUMCH. The recent research focuses on the application of 3D bioprinting technology in liver disease, tumor and drug research. She is the PIs of several research projects and has published more than 100 articles in domestic and international journals. Among them, 3 articles were selected as ESI Highly Cited Articles, and representative works were published in top journals, such as GUT, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Biomaterials, Advanced Science, and so on. She was awarded the Third Prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award and served as an editorial board member of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition (SCI IF: 6.1).
概要 Seminar 1:
Bio-3D printing uses biomaterials and other biological compounds (cells, proteins, DNA etc) as basic building blocks to create functional in vitro three-dimensional biological models. This presentation reports on our recent work on printing cells for in vitro tumor models as well as their application for cancer and anti-cancer drug development studies. Examples include printing Hela cells for cervical tumor model, patient-derived renal cells for personalized carcinoma model, human primary liver cancer cells for in vitro staging liver tumor models, and printing in vitro tumor models with immune and heterogenous micro-environment (TME). Some technical challenges and personal views on 3D cell printing will also be shared at the end of the presentation.

Seminar 2:
Organ transplantation is an essential treatment for many end-stage diseases. However, the need for more donor sources is the main problem limiting its clinical application. Scientists all over the world are actively exploring and developing technological means to solve the organ shortage problem. Three-dimensional bioprinting technology, which has emerged in recent years, has shown great application value in constructing in vitro tissue and organ models, and a variety of artificial organs or tissues have been successfully constructed. Using 3D bioprinting technology, our team made tissue-engineered livers from biomaterials and seed cells, which can simulate the synthesis, detoxification, metabolism, secretion and other physiological functions of the liver in vitro, and significantly prolonged the lifespan of mice with chronic liver failure through in vivo transplantation for the treatment of mice with end-stage liver disease. On the basis of this study, we further constructed vascularized tissue-engineered livers by suspension bioprinting using mouse primary hepatocytes and obtained good liver function in vitro. In a model of acute liver failure induced by extreme hepatectomy, we transplanted vascularized tissue-engineered livers into mice and saved their lives. In addition, we made another breakthrough by extending 3D bioprinting technology using primary human HCC cells. We successfully established patient-derived 3D bioprinted HCC (3DP-HCC) models, which grew well and retained the characteristics of the parental HCC after long-term culture. In addition, we demonstrated that 3DP-HCC models are capable of visualizing and quantifying drug screening results and are suitable for evaluating the efficacy of multiple drug candidates in HCC patients. The cancer types to which we have extended this technique include colorectal, ovarian, liver, bile duct, pancreatic, gastric, cervical, glioma, gallbladder, lung, prostate, renal, and gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumor. The median number of drug types tested per patient was five. We observed significant inter-patient drug response heterogeneity within each cancer type. In conclusion, we successfully constructed a pan-tumor 3D bioprinted drug sensitivity assay platform for individualized drug screening in patients and demonstrated excellent stability at multiple centers. The pan-tumor 3D bioprinted drug sensitivity assay platform demonstrated inter-patient heterogeneity in response to systemic therapy and has great potential for application in precision medicine.
世話人 酒井康行(内線27751)

第419回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー (Seminar1) Engineering Hydrogel Structure for Biomedical Applications / (Seminar2) Engineered Shape-Morphing Transitions in Hydrogels Through Suspension Bath Printing of Dynamic Granular Hydrogel Inks

2024年11月8日(金) 15:00 -16:30
講演題目 (Seminar1) Engineering Hydrogel Structure for Biomedical Applications / (Seminar2) Engineered Shape-Morphing Transitions in Hydrogels Through Suspension Bath Printing of Dynamic Granular Hydrogel Inks
講演者 Seminar1, 講演者 (Lecturer):
Jason A. Burdick, PhD
BioFrontiers Institute and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder
Burdick Biomaterials and Biofabrication Laboratory

Seminar2 講演者 (Lecturer):
Keisuke Nakamura, PhD
BioFrontiers Institute and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder
Postdoctoral Fellow/JSPS Overseas Researcher
概要 Seminar1, Abstract:
Hydrogels are water-swollen polymer networks that have gained great interest in the field of medicine. While hydrogels are often used as uniform isotropic materials, their processing to include microstructural cues (e.g., porosity, patterning) can further enhance their use. I will provide several recent examples where we have developed methods to introduce microstructure into hydrogels. As one approach, we engineer granular hydrogels through the jamming of hydrogel microparticles, where structure can be altered through the incorporation of anisotropic particles or through the inclusion of cell aggregrates. These materials are useful for either endogenous tissue repair (e.g., myocardial infarction) or for tissue engineering (e.g., cartilage). As another approach, hydrogels can be processed with lithography-based (i.e., digital light processing, DLP) 3D printing to introduce microstructure. We have been advancing the development of new resins (e.g., double networks), as well as DLP-printing techniques (e.g., incorporating chain entanglement) to improve material toughness. Such tough hydrogels are being explored as scaffolds for tissue engineering or as tough biomedical adhesives.

Seminar2, Abstract:
4D printing of hydrogels is an emerging technology used to fabricate shape-morphing soft materials that are responsive to external stimuli for use in soft robotics and biomedical applications. Soft materials are technically challenging to process with current 4D printing methods, which limits the design and actuation potential of printed structures. We have developed a multi-material 4D printing technique that combines dynamic granular hydrogel inks with granular suspension bath. Granular suspension baths support responsive ink deposition into complex patterns due to shear-yielding to fabricate multi-material objects that can show anisotropic shape transformations. Dynamic actuation is explored by varying printing patterns and bath shapes, achieving complex shape transformations. This approach offers a simple method to fabricate programmable soft actuators with precise control over shape morphing.
世話人 伊藤大知(内線21425)

第418回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー 次世代二次電池の開発:高安全性と高エネルギー密度の両立

講演題目 次世代二次電池の開発:高安全性と高エネルギー密度の両立
講演者 KO, Seongjae
(東京大学大学院工学系研究科化学システム工学専攻 助教)
概要 電気自動車の普及や再生可能エネルギー技術の進展、さらにはそれらをスマートグリッドシステムに統合することによる持続可能な社会の実現に向け、高安全性と高エネルギー密度が高度に両立した次世代蓄電デバイスの開発が重要な課題になっている。これまで、高電圧水系電池や高容量金属電池、さらにはコバルトフリー資源効率型電池など、様々な高機能化コンセプトが提案されてきた。しかし、これらの技術は、負極および正極の反応電位がいずれも電解液の電位窓(電解液が還元・酸化されずに安定に存在する範囲)から大きく外れていることに加え、エネルギー密度の向上とトレードオフとなる熱安定性の低下が顕著であり、実用化への大きな障壁となっている。本講演では、従来見落とされがちであった副反応抑制メカニズムに再び焦点を当て、イオンペアをベースにした革新的な電解液設計による課題克服のアプローチを紹介するとともに、今後の電池安全性向上に向けた挑戦と展望について議論する。
世話人 中山哲(内線27270)

第417回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Exploring Zeolite-Templated Carbons from a Zeolite Perspective

講演題目 Exploring Zeolite-Templated Carbons from a Zeolite Perspective
講演者 Name and affiliation: Alexander SACHSE
CNRS Researcher/Chargé de recherche CNRS
Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers
IC2MP UMR 7285, Bât B27
4, Rue Michel Brunet - TSA 51106
86073 Poitiers Cedex 9, France

Short Bio:
Dr. Alexander Sachse pursued his chemistry studies at Ludwig-Maximilians
University in Munich before completing his PhD under Dr. Anne Galarneau
at the University of Montpellier, specializing in advanced material
synthesis. In 2017, he was nominated as a researcher at the French
National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and works at the
Institute of Chemistry of Poitiers (IC2MP). His research focuses on the
synthesis and detailed characterization of porous materials, and he has
published 60 papers with an H-index of 23. He is also a member of the
committee of the French group of zeolites (GFZ).
概要 Zeolite-Templated Carbons (ZTCs) are highly microporous and structured carbons synthesized using zeolites as templates. They have shown remarkable efficiency in energy conversion processes and adsorption applications. Despite their promising applications, many questions about their structure, composition, and formation mechanisms remain unresolved. This seminar will address these gaps by examining the limitations and challenges in understanding ZTCs. We will discuss how comprehensive characterization of hybrid carbon/zeolite materials has shed light on the fundamental impact of zeolite properties on ZTC formation. Specifically, we will highlight insights gained from time-resolved X-ray diffraction experiments using synchrotron radiation, which reveal how the evolving carbon structures interact with the zeolite framework. Additionally, we will investigate the use of innovative zeolite structures that extend beyond traditional limitations to develop new members of the ZTC family. We will also demonstrate how ZTCs can serve as effective tools for overcoming the challenges associated with the direct characterization of the textural properties of hierarchical zeolites.
世話人 Raquel Simancas(内線 27368)

第416回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Plasma and Flow Chemistry seen Through Sustainability and Creation of New Markets

2024年11月12日(火) 10:00 -11:00
講演題目 Plasma and Flow Chemistry seen Through Sustainability and Creation of New Markets
講演者 Prof. Volker Hessel
School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
ARC Centre of Excellence Plants for Space, The University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, Australia
School of Engineering, The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Prof. Volker Hessel studied chemistry at Mainz University/D. 1994: Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz/Germany (Director R&D); 2005: Professor Eindhoven University of Technology/NL; 2018: Deputy Dean (Research), Professor University of Adelaide, Australia; 2019: part-time professor University of Warwick/UK.
  He is author of 678 peer-reviewed publications (h-index: 91; >37,500 citations). He received the AIChE Excellence in Process Development Research Award, IUPAC ThalesNano Prize in Flow Chemistry. He is program lead in the ARC Centre of Excellence Plants for Space (P4S) and is Research Director of the Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources. He received several EU’s research excellence grants (ERC Advanced/Proof of Concept/Synergy, FET OPEN). He is a member on the College of Experts for the National Research Foundation (NRF) within the Prime Minister’s Office”.
概要 Technology disruption can be a solution to a major societal or environmental challenge, to transform industries and redefine circularity. Microreactors have notably intensified mass and heat transfer and allowed safe operation in formerly explosive regimes. This was not enough to break through to chemical industry. Their expansion in process capability towards Novel Process Windows (NPW) was instrumental to widen their use in chemistry to what is known today as flow chemistry [1]. Key use of flow chemistry opportunities in main applications will be shown, including pharmaceutical synthesis, mining, biomass value generation, fertiliser manufacturing, and e-waste recycling. Space experimen¬tation is the ultimate disruptive barrier and modern playground for out-of-box thinking. Flow chemistry has been used for asteroid mineral processing, phosphate/potassium leaching out of moon crust, nanoemulsions for astronaut designer beverages and space medicines, and more. The presentation will then overview (i) what sustainability assessments can deliver to guide flow chemistry towards industrial use, (ii) which types of sustainability assessment are at hand, and (iii) exemplify the potential of sustainability assessments at key examples. We translated the principles of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), guiding investments for today’s companies, to evaluate a potential business of frontier technologies not yet at market.
世話人 杉山 弘和(内線27227)