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第348回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー Data utilization for chemical process development

講演題目 Data utilization for chemical process development
講演者 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科物質プロセス工学専攻情報プロセス工学
川尻 喜章 教授
概要 To develop a chemical process, data must be utilized effectively and efficiently. Mathematical models obtained from sufficient and reliable data would streamline development of chemical processes. Data can be often obtained from experiments, which must be designed carefully so that parameters in mathematical models can be obtained accurately.

In this presentation, several case studies will be presented where data science techniques are applied to development of chemical processes. Two approaches, regression and sampling, are introduced for parameter estimation. Several case studies will be discussed including adsorption processes where model parameters are estimated efficiently in a sequential manner.
世話人 杉山 弘和(内線:27227)